Friday, 9 May 2014

Killer Be Killed - S/T

Killer Be Killed – Killer Be Killed (2014)

Produced by Josh Wilbur

Greg Puciato – vocals, guitar
Max Cavalera – vocals, guitar
Troy Sanders – vocals, bass guitar
Dave Elitch – drums

Track listing:

01. Wings of Feather and Wax (3:40)
02. Face Down (4:35)
03. Melting of My Marrow (4:38)
04. Snakes of Jehova (4:01)
05. Curb Crusher (3:31)
06. Save The Robots (4:11)
07. Fire To Your Flag (2:31)
08. I.E.D. (4:35)
09. Dust Into Darkness (3:57)
10. Twelve Labors (4:29)
11. Forbidden Fire (5.38)

Released in 2014 “Killer Be Billed” is the Debut album by American Metal Supergroup Killer Be Killed.  Killer Be Killed we formed by Max Cavalera of Sepultura and Soulfly and Greg Pucuiato of 
the Dillinger Escape Plan.  The project was to be a similar to Max Cavalera's Nailbomb project in the early 90's.  Troy Sanders of Mastodon and Dave Elitch of the Mars Volta were added later.

The album opens with "Wings of Feather and Wax" and what a way to open an album.  This song is massive and shows off every members strengths.  From Dave's mind blowing drums, Tory and Greg's Melodic Vocal line and Max's own unique vocals.  The chorus is infectious and got stuck in my head immediately.  This song is ridiculously good.
The thing that is immediately apparent is that KBK's does not sound like any of the bands they members but is unique a mixture of all of them.
"Face Down" follows on straight on and picks the pace up.  This song drives and rumbles.  This song along with "Curb Crusher", "Fire to Your Flag" & "Dust into Darkness" will really get a crowd moving live and here's hoping that the band can get together and do some live dates.
"Melting of My Marrow",  "Snakes of Jehovah" & "Twelve Labors" are slower tracks that layer on some really interesting guitar lines.  These are songs thick with layers of music and melody but are aggressive and driving.  I love the mixture of vocal's on these tracks.  Each of the vocalists add a different texture and fee to these songs.  
"Save the Robots" is another stand out.  The riff on this one is big and sludgy.  This is the song that is most like Mastodon on the record.  Think the Blood Mountain era of that band.
"Forbidden Fire" closes the album.  The verses are swampy and kind of like Black Sabbath's slower moments then Max comes in and breaks the calm on the courses.  The songs is restrained and compelling closer to a very strong debut album by this group.

I've only given this album a few listens but every song get's my moving.  There is a really great energy to this tunes and a sense of texture.  For the most part the music shy's away from convention and is a showcase for modern heavy metal.


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