Tuesday, 14 June 2011

A new challenge

Welcome to thesoundasever blog.

This is my second attempt at a blog and hopefully a more successful attempt at one.  My hope is to give my opinions on albums and bands I am already familiar.  But also taking a path that exposes me to new music and exciting music.

To start off, and to really give myself a direction, I have set myself a challenge.

I brought the below book when a large book chain went under and were selling book for $1 a piece.  I have already been exploring Progressive Rock for a year or so now and have found many albums I love but I've always wanted to dig deeper.  Progarchives.com has been a great help but as far as bands go it's hard to pick where to go next so this is where this book comes in.

My challenge is to review a key album by every band in this book over the space of a year.  So this means around once a week I plan on putting my thoughts down on one of the bands in the book.  

That's the challenge so here I go on "A Quest For Prog".....

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